Search Results: "Matthias Klumpp"

19 January 2014

Matthias Klumpp: Tanglu Beta2 now available!

While writing this post, I recognize that we might need a news-blog for tanglu logo pureTanglu :-) Since yesterday, we have an (installable!) Beta2 release of Tanglu! Compared to the previous snapshot, it comes with a huge amount of improvements and bugfixes: Known issues: You can download the release from one of these mirrors: Mirror1 Mirror2 Mirror3 Additionally, there is now a release schedule for Tanglu Aequorea, and we will do a vote on the name for the next release soon (proposed names). As a note to Debian: systemd is working pretty well for Tanglu so far ;-) I am pretty happy with this Beta2 release, because Tanglu is shaping out to be the distribution we imagined in the beginning. Have fun! And as bonus, here are some images from Beta2: tanglu-beta2-kde0 tanglu-beta2-kde1 tanglu-beta2-kde2 tanglu-beta2-gnome2tanglu-beta2-gnome1

4 November 2013

Matthias Klumpp: AppStream Clarifications

appstream-logoWhile reading stuff posted by others about AppStream, and because of the discussion happening about AppData on kde-core-devel right now, I feel the need to clarify a few things. Especially because some are implementing AppStream in a way which is not really ideal right now. This is to some extend my fault, because I should have communicated this in a much more visible way. To those people who don t know it already: AppStream is a Freedesktop project aiming at providing basic building blocks to create distro- and desktop-agnostic software centers. So, let s answer some questions about AppStream! Is AppStream GNOME or $distro specific? No, not at all! It was originally created by people from at least 4 different distributions, and I took great care of it not becoming specific to any desktop or distribution. GNOME just happened to go ahead and implement the specs, which was absolutely necessary, since there was less progress in implementing AppStream for a long time. How does AppStream actually work? AppStream is a bunch of things, so I will only focus on what we have specified right now and what is working. Basically, the distributor compiles a list of applications available in the repositories, and makes it available in some defined directories on the system. AppStream defines an XML specification for that, but since some peple don t want to use it or can t use it, there are also others ways to publish AppStream application data. For example, Debian will likely use YAML for that. This data is taked by the AppStream software (running as a PackageKit plugin) and transformed into a Xapian database. This database is then in turn used by software-centers, in combination with PackageKit, to present applications. This is the reason why it is bad to use the XML data directly it might not be available on every distribution. The Xapian database is what matters. The database can be accessed using libappstream, a GLib based library (so far, there was no need for a Qt version). Why is GNOME using the XML data directly then? The libappsream stuff was under heavy construction, and GNOME wanted to be fast and ship the stuff with Fedora in their next release. They ll likely switch to the Xapian db soon, or offer it as backend. Is AppStream already used in KDE? Yes, Apper can utilize it, see one of my previous blogposts. What is AppData? AppData is an initiative started by Richard Hughes in order to enhance the quality of applications descriptions shipped with AppStream. It defines a small file $appname.appdata.xml, which describes the application, sets screenshots etc. These files can be parsed at the distribution s side in order to enhance the app metadata. They can also be translated upstream. AppData might be merged into the XDG AppStream pages later, but that is to be discussed. Are application authors forced to ship AppData files? No, nobody is forced ;-) However, the GNOME Software application-center prefers applications shipping more metadata, and punishes the others, so shipping an AppData file makes sense for higher lising in GS. This is a policy decision by GNOME, KDE can make it s own ones here. Shipping AppData files makes sense, in general, because it enhances the metadata distributed with your application. It is also the file-format used by Listaller (well, a superset of it) in order to generate cross-distro app-packages, so you might want to consider adding one. Are there any rules for the AppData files? Yes, you can find them on the AppData specification page. However, these are more recommendations than forced , and it is currently aimed at GNOME apps. I later want to generalize that and create an own page with recommendations for KDE (martin had some good ideas already). Where do software-centers get the screenshots from? The screenshots are defined in AppData files, and the cached by the distributor. If there are no official screenshots, user-provided screenshots will be taken, using a screenshots-service with screenshots.d.n-like API. Where do I find the specs? The official AppStream spec, the thing which distributors should implement, can be found on Freedesktop. The AppData spec can be found here. It also includes some nice hints on how to handle screenshots etc. and includes it s own FAQ. Where do I find libappstream? The source code can be found on Gitorious, releases are available on fd.o software. Contributions to the code are welcome! I want to change X in the spec, because of argument Y which brings improvement Z Great! Please get in contact with me or Richard. The only feature we would not consider for the official standard is desktop/distro-specific stuff (which should be obvious ;-) ). I will extend this FAQ, if I feel the need for it, so this article might change a bit.

28 October 2013

Matthias Klumpp: Tanglu update & release plans

Long time with no article about Tanglu! This was mainly because we were busy with the project itself, improving various aspects of the distribution. So, here is a new summary on what has been done and what you can expect from the first release ;-) Tanglu QA We further improved the automatic archive QA. There is now, which constantly monitors the number of uninstallable or unbuildable packages in the Tanglu suites. It also provides tanglu-platform-smallstatus information on the metapackage generator, which helps us in finding out which packages are available on the live-cds. Furthermore, information about the staging->devel migration process is provided, to answer the question why a package does not migrate (this still needs some improvements, but it is being worked on). We also use some code from Ubuntu to monitor package versions in Debian and upstream, which helps to see if others have released newer versions of software shipped with Tanglu. This already resulted in many improvements: The Tanglu Aequorea suite does not contain unbuildable packages (at least not due to build-dependency changed), and all live-cds are working well. We will soon migrate the archive to a new server, which frees some server capacities we can use for automated QA and things like automatic live-CD building. Live-CDs, Installer, Alpha-Releases We currently don t do Alpha-Releases of Tanglu, but we create Live-CD snapshots of Tanglu, which are available at (or mirror1, mirror2). These snapshots still have issues and are just early previews. They also ship without and installer, we are still working on that part. Please note that CD more or less means DVD or USB-Stick right now (and this won t change the expected image size will be around 800MB). Release Planning I am happy to announce that we will do a release this year, most likely in December. But what can you expect from the release? KDE 4.11kde-konqui We will ship with KDE 4.11, which will be the only desktop we officially support so far. The reason is simply lack of manpower we could promise to support more, but that would just be not realistic for the small team. So we focus on KDE (Plasma Shells) right now, and try to make it awesome. Also, the team consists mostly of KDE people right now, which contributed to that decision ;-) . If you want to try Tanglu, right now the KDE live-images are the best to try it out. GNOME 3.8 gnome-logoWe will also provide images with GNOME. The problem with GNOME is, that the GNOME team does not have enough manpower to maintain the whole desktop or to upgrade it to the latest version (it is essentially just me looking at it from time to time). So GNOME will be available in a preview state. We invite everyone with GNOME knowledge to join the project and help improving Tanglu-GNOME GNOMErs, we want you! systemd >= 204 We ship with systemd by default, which works nicely so far, although more testing needs to be done. The logind service will be used to replace ConsoleKit, if we manage to get everything in place and working in time (if there are issues, we might switch back to CK for one release). There are some plans to use a higher systemd version, due to some improvements made there, but if this will be done is still unclear (Debian will most likely stick to 204 for some time, because with systemd > 205, running it as pid 1 will be mandatory to use logind (and Debian is just in the process to decide which init-system we will use there)). Systemd will run in SysVInit compatibility mode for most of the available services. This will improve in later Tanglu releases. Of course, systemd is usable, even if not every init-script has been converted to a service file. It just has an impact on startup times, so Tanglu will not be the distributions with the fastest startup times (yet ;-) ). Debian Package Mixdebian_logo1 Tanglu consists mostly of packages from Debian Testing (Jessie), but we take full advantage of the Debian archive, so you will also find package versions from Unstable or even Experimental (where it made sense). A very small portion of packages has also been merged with Ubuntu. Although stuff has been changed, the incompatibilities with Debian are almost zero, so if you are installing Tanglu, it will currently feel like an more up-to-date Debian Testing with some extras. Still, the differences are large enough that upgrading a Debian system to Tanglu might result in some issues. Installer Right now, the installer is a major field of work. Tanglu will most likely ship with the Debian-Installer, because it is the easiest thing to do right now. For later releases, it is planned to also offer the Ubiquity installer (the thing Ubuntu uses), or a new installer with a similar UI and concept. Other Cool Things266px-Wayland_Logo Tanglu will ship with a fully working Qt5 (which is currently being tested and updated) and the latest version of Wayland/Weston as a preview for developers to play around with. We also ship with Perl 5.18 and Haskell GHC 7.6, as well as with GCC 4.8 as default compiler (although the whole distribution does not yet compile with GCC 4.8). We might ship with Linux 3.12, but this also depends on other things. The Linux kernel build will be the same as in Debian. There might be more things to come :-) Please do always keep in mind that Tanglu is a new project, so the first release might still have some teething problems but we re working on it. The Aequorea release will be supported one to two more months after the next release is out. Tanglu Policy I started to draft a Tanglu policy, which defines stuff like the procedures to become a Tanglu project member and/or developer, some basic values of the distribution, decision making processes etc. This work is at a very early stage right now, and will need lots of feedback later. But as soon as it is done, joining the project will be easier and what Tanglu is will be well-defined. The policy will also include a Code-of-Conduct as an additional document from the start. We need help! ;-) First of all, thanks to everyone working on Tanglu! You are amazing! Also, many thanks to every Debian developer or contributor who helped a lot in setting the project up and contributed knowledge. And of course, thanks to everyone else who contributed by creating awesome artwork, helped with code, TangluTanglu Logo (big) archive mirrors, buildd-servers or by testing the distribution and providing feedback! (given the state the aequorea suite was in at the beginning, testing was a really frustrating activity but people still did it!) So, if you would like to help, just find us on #tanglu-devel on Freenode or join the tg-devel mailinglist. We also really need some people taking care of the Tanglu website and updating it with some recent information from time to time, so people can see what is going on. Before we have the Tanglu policy finished and the Tanglu members and developers directory in place (a software which allows us to track all registered developers and gives them an mailalias), the start might be a bit confusing, but we do our best to make it easy for new people to join. The best way is asking people. Tanglu is still created by an incredibly small team, which has a large task to accomplish. Help is welcome :-)

25 August 2013

Matthias Klumpp: Some Tanglu updates

Tanglu Logo (big)Long time since I published the last update about Tanglu. So here is a short summary about what we did meanwhile (even if you don t hear that much, there is lots of stuff going on!) Better QA in the archive We now use a modified version of Debian s Britney tool to migrate packages from the newly-created staging suite to our current development branch aequorea . This ensures that all packages are completely built on all architectures and don t break other packages. New uploads and syncs/merges now happen through the staging area and can be tested there as well as being blocked on demand, so our current aequorea development branch stays installable and usable for development. People who want the *very* latest stuff, can embed the staging-sources into their sources.list (but we don t encourage you to do that). Improved syncs from Debian The Synchrotron toolset we use to sync packages with Debian recently gained the ability to sync packages using regular expressions. This makes it possible to sync many packages quickly which match a pattern. Tons of infrastructure bugfixes The infrastructure has been tweaked a lot to remove quirks, and it now works quite smoothly. Also, all Debian tools now work flawless in the Tanglu environment. A few issues are remaining, but nothing really important is affected anymore (and some problems are merely cosmetic). Long term we plan to replace the Jenkins build-infrastructure with the software which is running Paul Tagliamontes (only the buildd service, the archive will still be managed by dak). This requires lots of work, but will result in software not only usable by Tanglu, but also by Debian itself and everyone who wants a build-service capable of building a Debian-distro. KDE 4.10 and GNOME 3.8 Tanglu now offers KDE 4.10 by default, a sync of GNOME 3.8 is currently in progress. The packages will be updated depending on our resources and otherwise just be synced from Debian unstable/experimental (and made working for Tanglu). systemd 204 & libudev1 Tanglu now offers systemd 204 as default init system, and we transitioned the whole distribution to the latest version of udev. This even highlighted a few issues which could be fixed before the latest systemd reached Debian experimental. The udev transition went nicely, and hopefully Debian will fix bug#717418 too, soon, so both distributions run with the same udev version (which obviously makes things easier for Tanglu ^^) Artwork We now have a plymouth-bootscreen and wallpapers and stuff is in progress :-) Alpha-release & Live-CD ? This is what we are working on we have some issues in creating a working live-cd, since live-build does have some issues with our stack. We are currently resolving issues, but because of the lack of manpower, this is progressing slowly (all contributors also work on other FLOSS projects and of course also have their work :P ) As soon as we have working live-media, we can do a first alpha release and offer installation media. You! Tanglu is a large task. And we need every help we can get, right now especially technical help from people who can build packages (Debian Developers/Maintainers, Ubuntu developers, etc.) We especially need someone to take care of the live-cd. But also the website needs some help, and we need more artwork or improved artwork ;-) In general, if you have an idea how to make Tanglu better (of course, something which matches it s goals :P ) and want to realize it, just come back to us! You can reach us on the mailiglists (tanglu-project for stuff related to the project, tanglu-devel for development of the distro) or in #tanglu / #tanglu-devel (on Freenode).

12 May 2013

Matthias Klumpp: PackageKit, AppStream and Listaller A status report

I was asked by some people to write a status report about the whole PK/AS/LI stuff sorry guys that it took so much time to write it ;-) . PackageKit (PackageKit is an abstraction layer for package-management systems, allowing applications to access the package-manager using simple DBus calls)Package (with list) PackageKit is an incredibly successful project. With the 0.8.x series, it received many performance improvements, and has now the same speed on my computer than the distribution s native tools. PackageKit is used in almost all major Linux distributions, except for Ubuntu[1]. But even Ubuntu has written some compatibility layer, so most calls to PackageKit will work. The only major distro where PackageKit is currently not available, seems to be Gentoo (and I am not sure about the shape of the Gentoo PackageKit backend too). Debian Wheezy includes PackageKit by default, and in Jessy we are going to replace some distribution-specific tools with PackageKit frontends (mostly the old and unmaintained update-notifier and Software-Updater no worries, we are not going for a Synaptic replacement ;-) (currently this won t be possible with PK anyway)) Unfortunately, some PackageKit backends are still not adjusted for the 0.8.x API and are only running on 0.7.x. This is bad, since 0.8.x is a huge step forward for PackageKit. But the situation is slowly improving, with the latest OpenSUSE release, the Zypper backend is now available on 0.8.x too. Being able to run a PackageKit from the 0.8.x series is a requirement for both AppStream and Listaller. AppStream (AppStream is a cross-distro effort for building Software-Center-like Software Center Logoapplications. It contains stuff like a screenshot-service, ratings&reviews etc. The most important component is a Xapian database, storing information about all available applications in the distribution s repositories. The Xapian DB is distro-agnostik, but distributors need to provide data to fill it. AppStream offers an application-centric way to look at a package database) The AppStream side doesn t look incredibly great, but the situation is improving. As far as I know, OpenSUSE is shipping AppStream XML to generate the database. Ubuntu ships the desktop-files, and I am working on AppStream support in Debian s Archive Kit. On the Fedora side, negotiations with the infrastructure-team are still going on. I haven t heard anything from Mageia and other AppStream participants yet. Unfortunately, at least for OpenSUSE, the AppStream efforts seem to be stalled, due to people having moved to different tasks. But efforts to add the remaining missing things exist. On the software side, Apper (KDE PackageKit frontend) has full support for AppStream. Apper just needs to be compiled with some extra flags to make it use the AppStream database. On the GNOME-side, GNOME-Software is being developed. The tool will make use of the AppStream database, on distributions where it is available. Also, a Software-Center for Elementary and other GTK+-based desktops is being developed, which is based on AppStream (already quite usable!). Using the Ubuntu Software Center on not-Ubuntu-based distributions ist still not much fun, but with the AppStream database available and a working PackageKit 0.8.x with a backend which supports parallel transactions, it is possible to use it. On the infrastructure side: I recently landed some patches in AppStream-Core, which will improve the search function a lot. AppStream-Core contains all tools necessary to generate the AppStream database. It also contains libappstream, a GObject-based library which can be used to access the AppStream database. Also, we discuss dropping PackageKit s internal desktop-file-cache in favour of using the AppStream database. If we do that, we will also add software descriptions to the AppStream db, to improve search results and to speed up search for applications. Because we have to deprecate API for that, I expect this change to happen with PackageKit 0.9.x. As soon as the Freedesktop-Wiki is alive again and my account is re-enabled, I will create compatibility-list, showing which distribution implements what of the PK/AS/LI stuff, especially focusing on components needed for AppStream. Only a few distributions package AppStream-Core so far. Although it is beta-software, creating packages for it and shipping the required data to generate the AppStream database would be a very huge step forward. Listaller (Listaller is a cross-distro 3rd-party software installer, which integrates into Listaller-LogoPackageKit and AppStream. It allows installing 3rd-party applications, which are not part of the distributor s repositories, using standard tools used also for native-package handling. Everything which uses PackageKit can make use of Listaller packages too. Listaller also allows sandboxing of new applications, and uses an AppDir-like approach for installing software.) Listaller is currently undergoing it s last transition before a release with stable API and specifications can be made. Dependency solving will be improved a lot during the current release-cycle, making it less powerful, but working on all distributions instead. (Fedora always had an advantage in dependency-solving, due to RPM providing more package metadata for Listaller to use) This change was delayed due to discussing a possible use of ZeroInstall-feeds to provide missing dependencies with the ZeroInstall team. We did not come to a conclusion about extending the XML, so Listaller will contain an own format to define a dependency, which can reference a ZeroInstall feed. That should be a good solution for everyone. All these changes will result in IPK1.2, a new version of the IPK spec with small changes in the pkoptions file syntax and huge changes in dependency-handling. The new code is slowly stabilizing in a separate branch, and will soon be merged into master. The next Listaller release will be the last one of the 0.5.x series, we will start 0.6.x then. KDE currently has support for Listaller through Apper, which is enabled on a few distributions. In GNOME, optional Listaller support is being developed and will be available in one of the upcoming releases. Currently, to my knowledge, only a few distributions package Listaller. This should improve, so it is easier for application developers to deploy IPK packages. The upcoming changes in KDE and GNOME to build stable developer platforms will help Listaller a lot in finding matching dependencies, and for stuff which only depends on one software frameworks, installations should be a matter of seconds. As you can see, lots of things are happening, and there is improvement in all components related to installing and presenting software on Linux machines. However, all these projects have a severe lack of manpower, especially AppStream and Listaller have the lowest number of developers working on the tools (at time, only two active developers). This is the main reason for the slow development. But I am confident that we will have something shipped in the next distribution releases. At least AppStream should be ready then. [1]: I don t blame Ubuntu for that during the time they wrote an own solution, PackageKit did not have all the required features. (This situation has changed now, fortunately.) NOTE: I might extend this post with feedback from the different distributions, as soon as I get it.

8 April 2013

Matthias Klumpp: Tanglu status report

Hello everyone! I am very excited to report about the awesome progress we made with Tanglu, the new Debian-based Linux-Distribution. :) First of all, some off-topic info: I don t feel comfortable with posting too much Tanglu stuff to Planet-KDE, as this is often not KDE-related. So, in future Planet-KDE won t get Tanglu information, unless it is KDE-related ;-) You might want to take a look at Planet-Tanglu for (much) more information. So, what happened during the last weeks? Because I haven t had lectures, I nearly worked full-time on Tanglu, setting up most of the infrastructure we need. (this will change with the next week, where I have lectures again, and I also have work to do on other projects, not just Tanglu ^^) Also, we already have an awesome community of translators, designers and developers. Thanks to them, the Tanglu-Website is now translated to 6 languages, more are in the pipeline and will be merged later. Also, a new website based on the Django framework is in progress. The Logo-Contest We ve run a logo-contest, to find a new and official Tanglu logo, as the previous logo draft was too close to the Debian logo (I asked the trademark people at Debian). More than 30 valid votes (you had to be subscribed to a Tanglu Mailinglist) were received for 7 logo proposals, and we now have a final logo: Tanglu Logo (Text) I like it very much :) Fun with dak I decided to use dak, the Debian Archive Kit, to handle the Tanglu archive. Choosing dak over smaller and easy-to-use solutions had multiple reasons, the main reason is that dak is way more flexible than the smaller solution (like reprepro or min-dak) and able to handle the large archive of Tanglu. Also, dak is lightning fast. And I would have been involved with dak sooner or later anyway, because I will implement the DEP-11 extension to the Debian Archive later (making the archive application-friendly). duckWorking with dak is not exactly fun. The documentation is not that awesome, and dak contains many hardcoded stuff for Debian, e.g. it often expects the unstable suite to be present. Also, running dak on Debian Wheezy turned out to be a problem, as the Python module apt_pkg changed the API and dak naturally had problems with that. But with the great help of some Debian ftpmasters (many thanks to that!), dak is now working for Tanglu, managing the whole archive. There are still some quirks which need to be fixed, but the archive is in an usable state, accepting and integrating packages. The work on dak is also great for Debian: I resolved many issues with non-Debian dak installations, and made many parts of dak Wheezy-proof. Also, I added a few functions which might also be useful for Debian itself. All patches have of course been submitted to upstream-dak. ;-) Wanna-build and buildds GearThis is also nearly finished :) Wanna-build, the software which manages all buildds for an archive, is a bit complicated to use. I still have some issues with it, but it does it s job so far. (need to talk to the Debian wanna-build admins for help, e.g. wanna-build seems to be unable to handle arch:all-only packages, also, build logs are only submitted in parts) The status of Tanglu builds can be viewed at the provisoric Buildd-Status pages. Setting up a working buildd is also a tricky thing, it involves patching sbuild to escape bug #696841 and applying various workarounds to make the buildd work and upload packages correctly. I will write instructions how to set-up and maintain a buildd soon. At time, we have only one i386 buildd up and running, but more servers (in numbers: 3) are prepared and need to be turned into buildds. After working on Wanna-build and dak, I fully understand why Canonical developed Launchpad and it s Soyuz module for Ubuntu. But I think we might be able to achieve something similar, using just the tools Debian already uses (maybe a little less confortable than LP, but setting up an own LP instance would have been much more trouble). Debian archive import The import of packages from the Debian archive has finished. Importing the archive resulted in many issues and some odd findings (I didn t know that there are packages in the archive which didn t receive an upload since 2004!), but it has finally finished, and the archive is in a consistent state at time. To have a continuous package import from Debian while a distribution is in development, we need some changes to wanna-build, which will hopefully be possible. Online package search The Online-Package-Search is (after resolving many issues, who expected that? :P ) up and running. You can search for any package there. Some issues are remaining, e.g. the file-contents-listing doesn t work, and changelog support is broken, but the basic functionality is there. Tanglu Bugtracker We now also have a bugtracker which is based on the Trac software. The Tanglu-Bugtracker is automatically synced with the Tanglu archive, meaning that you find all packages in Trac to report bugs against them. The dak will automatically update new packages every day. Trac still needs a few confort-adjustments, e.g. submitting replies via email or tracking package versions. Tanglu base system tanglu-platform-smallThe Tanglu metapackages have been published in a first alpha version. We will support GNOME-3 and KDE4, as long as this is possible (= enough people working on the packaging). The Tanglu packages will also depend on systemd, which we will need in GNOME anyway, and which also allows some great new features in KDE. Side-effect of using systemd is at least for the start that Tanglu boots a bit slow, because we haven t done any systemd adjustments, and because systemd is very old. We will have to wait for the systemd and udev maintainers to merge the packages and release a new version first, before this will improve. (I don t want to do this downstream in Tanglu, because I don t know the plans for that at Debian (I only know the information Tollef Fog Heen & Co. provided at FOSDEM)) The community The community really surprised me! We got an incredible amount of great feedback on Tanglu, and most of the people liked the idea of Tanglu. I think we are one of the less-flamed new distributions ever started ;-) . Also, without the very active community, kickstarting Tanglu would not have been possible. My guess was that we might be able to have something running next year. Now, with the community help, I see a chance for a release in October :) The only thing people complained about was the name of the distribution. And to be really honest, I am not too happy with the name. But finding a name was an incredibe difficult process (finding something all parties liked), and Tanglu was a good compromise. Tanglu has absolutely no meaning, it was taken because it sounded interesting. The name was created by combining the Brazilian Tangerine (Clementine) and the German Iglu (igloo). I also dont think the name matters that much, and I am more interested in the system itself than the name of it. Also, companies produce a lot of incredibly weird names, Tanglu is relatively harmless compared to that ;-) . In general, thanks to everyone participating in Tanglu! You are driving the project forward! The first (planned) release I hereby announce the name of the first Tanglu release, 1.1 Aequorea Victoria . It is Daniel s fault that Tanglu releases will be named after jellyfishes, you can ask him why if you want ;-) I picked Aequorea, because this kind of jellyfish was particularly important for research in molecular biology. The GFP protein, a green fluorescent protein (=GFP), caused a small revolution in science and resulted in a Nobel Prize in 2008 for the researchers involved in GFP research (for the interested people: You can tag proteins with GFP and determine their position using light microscopy. GFP also made many other fancy new lab methods possible). Because Tanglu itself is more or less experimental at time, I found the connection to research just right for the very first release. We don t have a time yet when this version will be officially released, but I expect it to be in October, if the development speed increases a little and more developers get interested and work on it. Project Policy We will need to formalize the Tanglu project policy soon, both the technical and the social policies. In general, regarding free software and technical aspects, we strictly adhere to the Dbian Free Software Guidelines, the Debian Social Contract and the Debian Policy. Some extra stuff will be written later, please be patient! Tanglu OIN membership I was approached by the Open Invention Network, to join it as member. In general, I don t have objections to do that, because it will benefit Tanglu. However, the OIN has a very tolerant public stance on software patents, which I don t like that much. Debian did not join the OIN for this reason. For Tanglu, I think we could still join the OIN without someone thinking that we support the stance on software patents. Joining would simply be pragmatic: We support the OIN as a way to protect the Linux ecosystem from software patents, even if we don t like the stance on software patents and see it differently. Because this affects the whole Tanglu project, I don t want to decide this alone, but get some feedback from the Tanglu community before making a decision. Can I install Tanglu now? Yes and no. We don t provide installation images yet, so trying Tanglu is a difficult task (you need to install Debian and then upgrade it to Tanglu) if you want to experiment with it, I recomment trying Tanglu in a VM. I want to help! Great, then please catch one of us on IRC or subscribe to the mailinglists. The best thing is not to ask for work, but suggest something you want to do, others will then tell you if that is possible and maybe help with the task. Packages can for now only be uploaded by Debian Developers, Ubuntu Developers or Debian Maintainers who contacted me directly and whose keys have been verified. This will be changed later, but at the current state of the Tanglu archive (= less safety checks for packages), I only want people to upload stuff who definitely have the knowledge to create sane packages (you can also proove that otherwise, of course). We will later establish a new-member process. If you want to provide a Tanglu archive mirror, we would be very happy, so that the main server doesn t have to carry all the load. If you have experience in creating Linux Live-CDs or have worked with the Ubiquity installer, helping with these parts would be awesome! Unfortunately, we cannot reuse parts of Linux Mint Debian, because many of their packages don t build from source and are repackaged binaries, which is a no-go for the Tanglu main archive. Sneak peek And here is a screenshot of the very first Tanglu installation (currently more Debian than Tanglu):

tanglu_sneak-peek_screenshot Something else I am involved in Debian for a very long time now, first as Debian Maintainer and then as Debian Developer and I never thought much about the work the Debian system administrators do. I didn t know how dak worked or how Wanna-build handles the buildds and what exactly the ftpmasters have to do. By not knowing, I mean I knew the very basic theory and what these people do. But this is something different than experiencing how much work setting up and maintaining the infrastructure is and what an awesome job the people do for Debian, keeping it all up and running and secure! Kudos for that, to all people maintaining Debian infrastructure! You rock! (And I will never ever complain about slow buildds or packages which stay in NEW for too long ;-) )

14 March 2013

Matthias Klumpp: Tanglu

Hi everyone! Today I make an announcement I thought I would never ever make. But things changed. Discussion about this has a long history, starting as a non-serious suggestion at DesktopSummit 2011, continued with people on IRC, but it was decided back then that it wouldn t be worth the effort. This has changed too, and a small team has formed to work on it. We hereby announce Tanglu, a new Debian-based-Linux distribution. A new logo?Why do we need another one? Let me explain the concepts of that distro: Tanglu will be based on Debian Testing and follow the Debian development closely. It will have a 6-months release-cycle and it s target audience are Linux desktop users. We will make installing and setting up the distro as easy as possible. Tanglu will be usable for both developers of upstream software and the average Linux user and Linux newbie. This is possible because in our opinion developers and users don t have different needs for a desktop system. Both kinds of users like a polished desktop which just works . We will, hwever, not apply any kind of fancy modification on upstream software, we will basically just distribute what upstream created, so users can get an almost pure GNOME and KDE experience. Tanglu is designed to be able to solve the issue that Debian is frozen for a long time and Debian Developers can t make new upstream versions available for testing easily. During a Debian freeze, DDs can upload their software to the current Tanglu development version and later start the new Debian cycle with already tested packages from Tanglu. The delta between Tanglu and Debian should be kept as minimal as possible. However, Tanglu is not meant as experimental distribution for Debian, so please upload experimental stuff to Experimental. Only packages good enough for a release should go into Tanglu. Ideally, Tanglu and Debian should be working well together in mixed environments, where you for example have Debian servers and multiple Tanglu desktops with the new software, targeted at desktop user. Since the differences between Tanglu and Debian should not be very high, administering both systems should be very easy (if you know Debian). Tanglu will be an open project, driven by community. At the beginning of each cycle, people can make suggestions for release goals they want to implement (similar to Fedora, but without FESCo). These proposals are discussed in public and are rejected if there are major technical concerns. If consensus about a certain proposal is lacking, a vote is done for it. The proposal can be accepted with absolute majority. If this does not happen, the proposal is postponed for the next release, where people can vote for it again. If nobody wants that function, it is rejected. In general, decisions made by Debian are superior and have to be followed. We don t think we know every package and every software better than the original upstream. That s why it makes much sense to rely on feedback from others and to have a community-based and peer-reviewed distribution, instead of secretly developing stuff and dumping it on the community. Tanglu will have a highly predictable set of features, defined at the beginning of a cycle, so you will know what you can expect from the next release as soon as possible and plan for it. Tanglu will make it easy to deploy applications for it. It will contain a software-center, similar to what Ubuntu has. We will also try to establish a solution for a Linux-AppCenter , a place for Linux applications, which will be open not only for Tanglu, but can be implemented in any other distribution too. Possible income will flow back into development of the platform. Now, let s answer the FQA (Future Questions Asked): Why don t you contribute to Debian directly and create yet another distribution? First of all, we contribute to Debian ;-) And for me, I can say that I will contribute to Debian even more. The point is that Debian can not cover all possible use-cases, and with Tanglu we want to make a distro which solves this. You might ask why we have to create a new distro for that, instead of creating improvements inside Debian? Creating a new distro allows us to do stuff we can never do in Debian. For example, we will include proprietary firmware in that distro, we will make installations of proprietary stuff possible easily (but don t ship with it by default) and we will have a time-based release cycle. These are already things which are a no-go for Debian, and that s fine. We don t want Debian to support these cases, as it is already a great distribution. We want to offer a distro as close to Debian as possible, but with a few modifications for use-cases which are not covered by Debian itself. Of course we will participate in DEX. If Debian Developers contribute to Tanglu, freezes will take even longer! This is an often-heard concern, it comes up on every mailinglist discussion about continuing development while freeze. I would disagree here, packaging new upstream stuff is not slowing down testing and improving of packages in Testing. Also, Tanglu is an offer for Debian developers to participate (we will sync privileges for their packages) we don t expect anyone to work on it, but as we think DDs know their packages best, we will make it possible for them to participate without extra barriers. We hope that Tanglu can add value to Debian and that Debian cycles can start with better-tested packages. You said you are a small team you cannot develop a whole distribution with it! Let s put that to the test! ;-) All people working on this are well aware of the issue that the project can not survive without much community-involvement on the long run. But we see a chance that many people are interested in it and that there is a high demand for it. At the beginning, we will just start with a small set of packages. We will also sync many packages from Ubuntu, to reduce workload. For example, it is planned to use the Ubuntu-Kernel and KDE packaging. By doing this, we keep the workload at the beginning low. We also reduce duplicate work with that. We even have some possible sponsors for the new distribution. But nothing is set in stone yet, so just wait for it to happen. :) Why not participate in Arch, OpenSUSE $other_distro? These are not Debian ;-) . I know, it sounds odd, but if you like the Debian way of doing things, you want to use a Debian-based distribution. There is nothing wrong with OpenSUSE. And Debian has issues too. But we want to be close to Debian and use it s tools and way of doing things. I hate you!!! You are doing it wrong!! The project is useless!
Well, that s fine. But there is no reason for hating us. If you dislike our idea, there are basically two options: First, you hate us but the project is successful. In that case, you have been wrong with hate, as there are definitely people who liked the project and contributed to it. Second, you hate us and we fail. In this case, there is no reason for hate, as the project will just vanish and you don t have to worry about it. So hating it would ve been just a big waste of energy. Also keep in mind that forking is a way to keep development healthy and to adapt software to new use-cases which it didn t target before. And we are not introducing incompatibilities here (like e.g. writing our own display server could). Instead, we want to stay close to Debian and reuse as much code as possible. Which desktop will you use? Everyone can add a new desktop to Tanglu, as long as the desktop-environment is present in Debian. Long term, we will have to offer Linux-newbies a default flavour, probably by setting a default download on the website. But as long as there is a community for a given desktop-environment, the desktop is considered as supported. At the beginning, we will focus on KDE, as many people have experience with it. But adding vanilla GNOME is planned too. Can you say something about the software used in Tanglu? Yes, but this is still in flow, so I can t promise final decisions here. On the server, side, we will try to use the Dak for repository management, as soon as we have enough server capacity. We will also use the standard Debian repository GUI and basically reuse most of the software there, to diverge less from Debian. The distribution itself will use a Linux Kernel from Ubuntu and systemd as the primary init system, as well as the login manager logind. It will be based on current Debian Testing with some fresh packages from Unstable and Experimental. We might also use the Ubuntu driver packages and KDE packaging. We expect to have a very rough start with the first release, but there will be enough time to polish Tanglu. Nice idea! How can I help? Well, you can help with basically anything at time from writing manuals, over designing logos and pages to administering a webserver and create packages. We are at an early stage of development at the moment, but we wanted to go public with it as soon as possible, to include the community and receive feedback so we can make that distro community-centric from the beginning. Most of the infrastructure is currently in progress too. So, if you want to get started with Tanglu, subscribe to our mailinglist tanglu-devel and write a mail to it, intruducing yourself. We can then include you in the loop. Generally, if you want to get access to our machines, a trusted GPG-signature will help a lot. If you want to talk to us, join #tanglu-devel or Freenode! Most discussions are currently happening there. And that s it! Tanglu will be awesome!

Some other projects of mine will develop a bit slower because I am now involved in Tanglu. But nothing will stop, and there is some pretty cool stuff coming for both GNOME and KDE (and I still have to implement DEP-11 for Debian). :)

